Graphene phase modulators hold the key to faster mobile technology

Researchers from Graphene Flagship Partners at the National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) in Italy, IMEC in Belgium and University of Cambridge in UK created and tested a graphene based phase modulator ...

Regular dusting bolsters solar panel performance

Perth residents who are the proud custodians of solar panels could boost the amount of power that the arrays produce over an extended period of time by simply removing dust particles from the panels.

Webb's cool instrument enters payload module

( —Inside the cleanrooms of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, the international James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is beginning to take shape.

Image: NASA clean room gets a heart-full of Webb

The James Webb Space Telescope's team welcomed back the "heart" of the observatory, known as the Integrated Science Instrument Module or ISIM, to the world's largest clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, ...

Plato exoplanet mission gets green light for next phase

Plato, ESA's next-generation planet hunting mission, has been given the green light to continue with its development after the critical milestone review concluded successfully on 11 January 2022.

Dragonfly eyes inspire new microlens array processing technique

Industry 4.0 requires simple solutions for complex functions. Optical sensors, such as pinhole cameras, can deliver a depth of focus and reasonable resolution, but they suffer from low intensity for reliable and fast imaging. ...

Space Image: Gumdrop meets Spider

( -- This image, taken on March 6, 1969, shows the Apollo 9 Command and Service Modules docked with the Lunar Module.

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