Quality of laser beam shaping can be enhanced at no extra cost

Researchers from Osaka University have developed a technique for improving accuracy of laser beam shaping and wavefront obtained by conventional methods with no additional cost by optimizing virtual phase grating. The results ...

True wearable displays: Self-powered, washable and wearable

Clothes are usually made of textiles and have to be both wearable and washable for daily use; however, smart clothing presents a challenge with its power sources and moisture permeability, which causes the devices to malfunction. ...

Gateway to the moon

The International Space Station partners have endorsed plans to continue the development of the Gateway, an outpost around the moon that will act as a base to support both robots and astronauts exploring the lunar surface.

New shapes of laser beam 'sneak' through opaque media

Researchers have found a way to pre-treat a laser beam so that it enters opaque surfaces without dispersing—like a headlight that's able to cut through heavy fog at full strength.

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