Probing Question: Can humans control the weather?

Chinese officials claimed they prevented rain on the first day of the 2008 Beijing Olympics by launching rockets into the rain clouds the night before. Emeritus professor of meteorology Charles L. Hosler asserts that the ...

UK scientists grow super broccoli

Popeye might want to consider switching to broccoli. British scientists recently unveiled a new breed of the vegetable that experts say packs a big nutritional punch.

Epigenetic changes don't last

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck would have been delighted: geneticists no longer dismiss out of hand his belief that acquired traits can be passed on to offspring. When Darwin published his book on evolution, Lamarck's theory of transformation ...

Researchers obtain the first mice born with hyper-long telomeres

A chance finding 10 years ago led to the creation by researchers of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) of the first mice born with much longer telomeres than normal in their species. Telomeres shorten throughout ...

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