Study analyzes benefits of tracking devices for auto insurance

The virtual black box of the automotive set, whether it's vehicle plug-in technology or merely a cellphone app while motoring, may lower insurance rates for many drivers. But a new business study involving Washington University ...

Team shows a protein modification determines enzyme's fate

The human genome encodes roughly 20,000 genes, only a few thousand more than fruit flies. The complexity of the human body, therefore, comes from far more than just the sequence of nucleotides that comprise our DNA, it arises ...

Developing drugs against drought

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone with essential functions in plant physiology. It is involved in developmental and growth processes and the adaptive stress response. Thus, the plant adaptation to stress situations caused ...

Risk-free gene reactivation

Chemical modification of DNA subunits contribute to the regulation of gene expression. Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have now deciphered a new pathway can reactivate genes that have been ...

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