A Change for the better: Improving properties of enzymes

An international team of scientists from the Czech Republic, Germany and Japan have developed a new method for improving the properties of enzymes. The method has potential for wide application in the chemical, medicinal ...

Scientists closer to developing salt-tolerant crops

An international team of scientists has developed salt-tolerant plants using a new type of genetic modification (GM), bringing salt-tolerant cereal crops a step closer to reality.

Anti-biotech groups obstruct forest biotechnology

The potential of forest biotechnology to help address significant social and environmental issues is being "strangled at birth" by the rigid opposition of some groups and regulations that effectively preclude even the testing ...

Food security: It starts with seed

With each passing year, the human population of our planet continues to expand. This growth has created a wide ranging strain on our water and soil resources, as well as our environment, creating an unprecedented urgency ...

Major advance in cell reprogramming technology

In a paper publishing online April 23rd in Cell Stem Cell, a Cell Press journal, Dr. Sheng Ding and colleagues from the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, report an important step forward in the race to make ...

Probing Question: Can humans control the weather?

Chinese officials claimed they prevented rain on the first day of the 2008 Beijing Olympics by launching rockets into the rain clouds the night before. Emeritus professor of meteorology Charles L. Hosler asserts that the ...

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