Modern humans interbred with Denisovans twice in history

Modern humans co-existed and interbred not only with Neanderthals, but also with another species of archaic humans, the mysterious Denisovans. While developing a new genome-analysis method for comparing whole genomes between ...

Homo sapiens' drawing ability may relate to hunting techniques

Neanderthals had large brains and made complex tools but never demonstrated the ability to draw recognizable images, unlike early modern humans who created vivid renderings of animals and other figures on rocks and cave walls. ...

No signs of incest in new Neanderthal woman genome

A complete genetic analysis of a Neanderthal woman whose remains were found in a cave in Croatia shows no apparent incest in her ancestry, contrary to a previous specimen, researchers said Thursday.

Neanderthal boy's skull grew like a human child's: study

The first analysis of a Neanderthal boy's skull uncovered in Spain suggests that he grew much like a modern boy would, in another sign that our extinct ancestors were similar to us, researchers said Thursday.

What dental remains from Homo naledi can tell us

Anthropologists just love to sink their teeth into a good mystery, and some recent research from NC State and Vassar College has done just that – by looking at what dental development in Homo naledi fossils can tell us ...

You and some 'cavemen' get a genetic checkup

Had an arrow in his back not felled the legendary Iceman some 5,300 years ago, he would have likely dropped dead from a heart attack. Written in the DNA of his remains was a propensity for cardiovascular disease.

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