How puffins catch food outside the breeding season

Little is known about how seabirds catch their food outside the breeding season but using modern technology, researchers at the University of Liverpool and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology have gained new insight into their ...

Researchers identify the origins of metabolism

A Rutgers-led study sheds light on one of the most enduring mysteries of science: How did metabolism—the process by which life powers itself by converting energy from food into movement and growth—begin?

Fresh look at mysterious Nasca lines in Peru

A scientific approach has re-identified huge birds etched into the desert plains of southern Peru around 2,000 years ago. The birds appear to be exotic to the region, and further studies could help explain their significance. ...

Alligator study reveals insight into dinosaur hearing

To determine where a sound is coming from, animal brains analyze the minute difference in time it takes a sound to reach each ear—a cue known as interaural time difference. What happens to the cue once the signals get to ...

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