Climate change threatens corn crops

A warming world is putting crops at risk, according to scientists who studied how the weather affects French maize yields.

Circulation changes in a warmer ocean

Circulation changes in a warmer ocean In a new study, scientists suggest that the pattern of ocean circulation was radically altered in the past when climates were warmer.

Black hole jets might be molded by magnetism

Even though black holes—by their definition and very nature—are the ultimate hoarders of the Universe, gathering and gobbling up matter and energy to the extent that not even light can escape their gravitational grip, ...

LEXI the robot improves safety for explosives handlers

(—LEXI is a new robot at work in the firing tanks of the Lab's High Explosives Applications Facility (HEAF) and the work that's done there for the National Explosives Engineering Sciences Security (NEXESS) Center. ...

Researchers simulate neutron stars' 'gigantic' magnetic fields

Scientists from the universities of Kiel and Düsseldorf (both Germany) have developed a method to simulate gigantic magnetic fields that normally occur on neutron stars only. The physicists Professor Hartmut Löwen (Heinrich-Heine-Universität ...

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