Radio-frequency wave scattering improves fusion simulations

In the quest for fusion energy, understanding how radio-frequency (RF) waves travel (or "propagate") in the turbulent interior of a fusion furnace is crucial to maintaining an efficient, continuously operating power plant. ...

Connecting the dots on aerosol details

Predicting future climate change hangs on understanding aerosols, considered the fine details in the atmosphere. Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the National Center for Atmospheric Research used a ...

New Sensor to Drastically Cut Water Usage During Chip Making Process

Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), University of Arizona and Arizona State University researchers have shown a new, exclusive way to dramatically conserve the amount of water needed to manufacture semiconductors. Using ...

Warming to shift heavy rainfall patterns in the UK

(—It appears that it's not just us Brits who are fascinated with the UK weather. A group of researchers from Germany has taken to investigating the potential changes in extreme rainfall patterns across the UK as ...

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