Large variations in precipitation over the past millennium

According to a new study in Nature, the Northern Hemisphere has experienced considerably larger variations in precipitation during the past twelve centuries than in the twentieth century. Researchers from Sweden, Germany, ...

A rolling stone gathers no mates

Papa might not have been a rolling stone, according to a new study that examined the mating dynamics of transient wildlife that have dispersed from other areas. The researchers found if males traveling from long distances ...

Town planners underestimate the importance of urban green spaces

Compact towns with high population density can have social, environmental, and economic benefits. The supply of high-density urban housing has increased, but people continue to choose to live in suburbs and commuter towns. ...

Scientists identify climate 'tipping points'

An international team of scientists have identified potential 'tipping points' where abrupt regional climate shifts could occur due to global warming,

Quantifying the impact of volcanic eruptions on climate

Large volcanic eruptions inject considerable amounts of sulphur in the stratosphere which, once converted into aerosols, block sun rays and tend to cool the surface of the Earth down for several years. An international team ...

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