Square streamlines payment via mobile 'tabs'

Square, Jack Dorsey's mobile payments startup, was founded on the idea that it could simplify the way the world pays for goods and services.

Apple to reveal its next big thing (Update)

Apple is poised to reveal its next big thing Tuesday in a crucial attempt to prove its technological tastemakers still have the power to mesmerize the masses.

Smartphones wallets going mainstream: survey

Using smartphones or tablets as digital "wallets" will be common within a decade, largely replacing cash and credit cards, according to a Pew Research survey released on Tuesday.

Cash may be king, but smartphones seek to rule at the register

Using your smartphone to make payments in shops or public transport should become more widespread this year, but its supremacy will depend on how successful retailers are in enticing people to keep their cards or cash in ...

Many perils for online love seekers

Advice for people seeking love on the Internet for Valentine's Day: keep looking, but watch for scams and other risks.

MasterCard launches new digital payment system

Credit card giant MasterCard announced Monday the launch of a new digital payment system that lets people use a wide variety of devices including smartphones to spend their money.

Battle commences for 'mobile money'

Global financial groups battled Monday to control the lucrative future of "mobile money", which will enable people to use a smartphone to go shopping instead of cash and credit cards.

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