3G protocols come up short in privacy, say researchers

(Phys.org)—Researchers from the UK and Germany have found that 3G telephony systems pose a security weakness that results in threats to user privacy. The weakness makes it possible for stalkers to trace and identify subscribers. ...

Swiss watchmakers keep cool in wait for Apple smartwatch

Swiss watchmakers are warily eyeing Apple's reported progress towards creating a "smartwatch", but say they are not too worried about the tech goliath's likely incursion into their traditional turf.

The mobile telephones of the future

The mobile telephones of the future will be able to see, shrink while becoming larger, and slip into their users' skins. That terse statement summarizes the recently released results of a thorough look at the next ten to ...

Mobile makers eye bonanza in Africa

Africa's mobile phone market, the fastest-growing in the world, is the last frontier for the industry with the promise of unlocked riches luring global interest including from Chinese handset makers.

Skype to replace Microsoft Messenger in March

Microsoft on Wednesday sent out word that it will "retire" its Messenger online chat feature on March 15 and replace it with the Skype Internet telephony service it bought last year.

Congolese inventor puts African tablet on sale

Africa has its first handheld tablet to rival the iPad and similar western inventions, which went on sale in the Republic of Congo on Monday, its inventor Verone Mankou said Monday.

Terahertz boost detection

Swissto12 -- an EPFL spin-off -- could help boost the performance of detection systems and create new antennas for mobile telephony and on-board satellite systems thanks to an innovative transmission system that takes advantage ...

Video making second mobile revolution

Smartphones and tablets are driving a mobile revolution, allowing video to take the lead in a business once dominated by voice calls, industry players and experts say.

Africa world's fastest growing mobile phone market

(PhysOrg.com) -- Mobile phone subscriptions in Africa have defied the world economic crisis by growing faster than in any other region of the world since 2003, according to a United Nations report published yesterday.

FCC chair touts broadband as top priority

The Federal Communications Commission's top "strategic" priority will be to encourage greater availability and adoption of broadband Internet access, the agency's new chairman, Julius Genachowski, said in a meeting Monday ...

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