Yahoo! chief bets on mobile future

Yahoo! chief executive Marissa Mayer said in an interview released Wednesday she is pushing the Web giant's focus to mobile, including getting its employees on smartphones.

Apple sacks exec in maps fiasco

Apple has ousted the executive who oversaw the mobile maps program which was a spectacular flop, a report said Tuesday.

Firefox OS Simulator offers playpen for primetime

(—Mozilla is inviting developers to play around with its experimental Firefox OS Simulator. The Firefox OS Simulator is a Firefox add-on for web developers who would be interested in building apps for Mozilla's ...

Measuring 'the Cloud': Performance could be better

(—Storing information "in the Cloud" is rapidly gaining in popularity. Yet just how do these services really work? Researchers from the University of Twente's Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) ...

Apple ordered to pay $368 million in patent case

Apple has been ordered to pay $368 million for patent infringement in its use of Facetime, an application that allows for video calls on mobile devices, the plaintiff said Wednesday.

NIST provides draft guidelines to secure mobile devices

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published draft guidelines that outline the baseline security technologies mobile devices should include to protect the information they handle. Smart phones, ...

Microsoft woos mobile users, aims at Apple

Microsoft kicked off sales of its revamped Windows 8 system and Surface tablet Friday amid mixed reviews as the tech giant ramped up efforts to compete in a market shifting rapidly from PCs to mobile devices.

Now the mobile phone goes emotional

Mobile devices include an increasing number of input and output techniques that are currently not used for communication. Recent research results by Dr Eve Hoggan from HIIT / University of Helsinki, Finland, however, indicate ...

Microsoft courts mobile lifestyles with Windows 8

Microsoft on Thursday will roll out a new version of its flagship Windows operating system tailored for a world shifting from personal computers to smartphones and tablets.

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