Lotus Mobile unfolds its solar-charging petals

(Phys.org) —A Scottsdale, Arizona, company is making the news with its fold-able solar charging system of 18 panels that resemble a flower, and can sit atop a vehicle, which gives the device the appearance of a supersized ...

PC market losing more ground to tablets

Sales of traditional desktop and mobile personal computers are expected to drop 7.6 percent this year as consumers shift to tablets and other devices, a market tracker said Thursday.

EMarketer: Facebook US mobile ad revenue soaring

A research firm expects Facebook's mobile ad revenue to soar this year, hitting nearly $1 billion a year after the company started to splice ads into its users' mobile phones and tablets.

BlackBerry boss has swipe at Apple as Z10 hits stores

The head of BlackBerry has taken a swipe at Apple, saying the iPhone's operating system was outdated, while promising thousands of new apps as it prepares to launch its Z10 model in Australia and the US.

Eye-tracking Umoove parks in closed-beta zone

(Phys.org) —A small company called Umoove, which specializes in eye- and head-tracking technology, will offer software development kits so that developers can grow the Umoove platform for mobile users everywhere. The company ...

Running on tempo

Some runners take it slow while others tear up the pavement. Either way, music gives runners their mojo, and can be the key to creating a productive, enjoyable run, according to a team of Michigan State University seniors ...

The next big smartphone accessory: Your car

Automobile giants at the world's biggest mobile fair are showing off a new technology that turns a car into a smartphone accessory, allowing a driver to use cutting-edge apps without veering off the road.

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