Google Hotpot lets friends share hotspots

Google launched a Hotpot recommendation engine that lets people tap into the tastes of trusted friends when it comes to local shops, restaurants, theaters and more.

Skype to replace Microsoft Messenger in March

Microsoft on Wednesday sent out word that it will "retire" its Messenger online chat feature on March 15 and replace it with the Skype Internet telephony service it bought last year.

Fifth of websites 'lack privacy protection info'

A fifth of the world's websites and mobile telephone applications provide no information on how, or if, they protect users' personal data, a French watchdog said Tuesday.

Mobile phones have given the Chinese a voice

Mobile technology has provided the Chinese with an opportunity to voice individual and collective popular protests. And with over 1 billion mobile subscribers in China, the voices are heard. A new PhD thesis from the University ...

YouTube adds subscription service to music mix

Google is remixing the music on its YouTube video site with the addition of an ad-free subscription service and a new format designed to make it easier to find millions of songs that can still be played for free.

Google out to shake up the smart-phone industry

Google, already a disruptive presence in the mobile phone industry, seems to be itching to reshape it once more. As early as January, the company plans to sell directly to consumers a new smart-phone that will not be "locked" ...

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