South Korean phone company bets on K-pop

(AP) -- South Korea's largest fixed-line telephone company is trying to capitalize on the worldwide popularity of Korean pop music, or K-pop, to increase revenue from overseas.

Bharti Airtel offers 4G service in India

India's Bharti Airtel said on Tuesday it had become the first company in the country to offer high-speed Internet services using fourth-generation (4G) telecommunications technology.

PayPal to expand in Asia after mobile app launch

PayPal Asia-Pacific chief Rupert Keeley said Friday the US company plans to expand in the region over the next 12 to 18 months, after it launched the region's first payments service for smartphones.

Mobile money faces developed-world challenge

Instances of the so-called tail wagging the dog abound. Add to that club mobile-money services, the idea that you can make financial transactions of all kinds using only a cellphone.

Telecoms groups fight back against free messaging

Just past the security gate for the world's largest cell phone trade show in Barcelona, executives of big mobile carriers can't avoid walking past a booth they would probably rather not see: It's for "Pinger," a small California ...

Connected cars to untangle snarled traffic

A car that dials emergency services itself in case of a crash and warns its driver of traffic snarls ahead: Ford Motor Co.'s chief believes connected autos will pave the road to the future.

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