French watchdog urges no 3D for under sixes

A French health watchdog recommended Thursday that children under six be denied access to 3D films, computers and video games, and that those up to 13 have "moderate" access.

Sony's quarterly loss balloons on mobile woes

Sony's losses ballooned to 136 billion yen ($1.2 billion) last quarter as the Japanese electronics and entertainment company's troubled mobile phone division reported huge red ink.

Nigeria seeks to conquer African video games market

It's a common enough scenario in Nigeria and across Africa: how to get rid of pesky mosquitoes whose buzzing disturbs sleep and whose bites can carry malaria and other diseases.

WhatsApp deal highlights suite of similar apps

Facebook's announcement it is paying $19 billion in cash and stock to acquire WhatsApp is a milestone event in the short history of mobile messaging apps. Hundreds of millions of people have downloaded such apps to their ...

Gaming-grade headphones and keyboards stand out

Gaming on a PC is an endeavor that can be tinkered with forever. You can add memory, faster hard drives, liquid-cooling plumbing, chassis fans and much more. At the end of the day, though, the gaming experience comes down ...

Morphees: Shape-shifting mobile devices (w/ Video)

Prototype mobile devices that can change shape on-demand will be unveiled today and could lay down the foundation for creating high shape resolution devices of the future.

Xbox Music to offer on-demand music free on tablet

Buyers of tablets that run Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 8, are in for a pleasant musical surprise: they'll be able to handpick from a selection of millions of songs and stream them for free as long as they ...

Messaging apps show mobile Internet's rise in Asia (Update)

(AP)—A handful of smartphone apps that began as basic instant messaging services have amassed several hundred million users in Asia in just a couple of years, mounting a challenge to the popularity of online hangouts such ...

Zynga launched hot Draw Something game in China

Zynga launched "Draw Something" in China as it moved to get non-English speakers caught up in the craze for the mobile phone game based on representing words with pictures.

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