Finland's 'Angry Birds' shoot to global fame

Spectators fall silent as Jonas Koivula slingshots a boomeranging parrot over enemy lines in a devastating flanking manoeuvre during Finland's national Angry Birds championship finals.

Gamification harnesses the power of games to motivate

Walk through any public area and you'll see people glued to their phones, playing mobile games like Game of War and Candy Crush Saga. They aren't alone. 59% of Americans play video games, and contrary to stereotypes, 48% ...

Crime and virtual punishment

When it comes to crime and punishment, how judges dish out prison sentences is anything but a game.

Handset makers look to gamers for sales boost

Smartphone makers hope video games will help them stand out in a crowded market with dwindling sales, but analysts warn that handsets don't have the power or the screen size to lure hardcore players.

Playing mobile games at work is a productivity killer

A programmer at a prestigious IT company was ducking out of meetings, taking calls that didn't exist, hiding in the bathroom, and missing responsibilities. Her boss warned her to straighten up, but she was back at it a week ...

Tech leaders ponder future of mobile

The pace of innovation and change in mobile devices is so dizzying it is difficult to predict the winning platforms and products of the next few years.

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