Robots learn to create language

( -- Communication is a vital part of any task that has to be done by more than one individual. That is why humans in every corner of the world have created their own complex languages that help us share the goal. ...

Finland's 'Angry Birds' shoot to global fame

Spectators fall silent as Jonas Koivula slingshots a boomeranging parrot over enemy lines in a devastating flanking manoeuvre during Finland's national Angry Birds championship finals.

US video game sales up 3 percent in February

U.S. retail sales of video-game hardware, software and accessories edged up 3 percent in February compared with the same month last year, helped in part by strong sales of Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 game system and Kinect ...

Mobile gaming dominates Game Developers Conference

(AP) -- With retail video game sales smacked down by the rough economy and ever-growing competition in the crowded social and mobile game marketplace, it seemed like attendees at this week's annual Game Developers Conference ...

Electronic searching aid for parents

Just a short call and the "Kidfinder" lets you know where your child is right now via SMS. It can be built into a game console and the locating unit even combines GPS position fixing with GSM tracking. In the best-case scenario, ...

How do we talk about our town?

University of Melbourne researchers have developed a mobile phone game that will help ensure computers better understand the way we talk about our towns.

As phones get smarter, game makers ring the changes

Tetsuya Ide doesn't own an iPhone, but the teenage computer boffin is betting that Apple's hit gadget is the key to having a new generation of video game players in the palm of his hand.

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