Mobile-payment companies roll out new toys for businesses

Forget ka-ching. It's all tap-tap these days. Restaurants and shop owners fed up with antiquated cash registers and expensive credit card terminals are switching to cheaper devices that plug into smartphones and tablets. ...

Women sidelined in agri-tech revolution

The exclusion of women in the digital world is hurting agricultural productivity in low- and middle- income countries, according to global technology experts.

Industry says Africa fastest growing mobile market

(AP) -- Sure, 24-year-old Gertrude Kitongo cherishes a cell phone as a link to family and friends, from her grandmother in a Ugandan village to former schoolmates in Zimbabwe.

Africa, Asia lead 'mobile money' boom

Africa and Asia are leading a global boom in the use of "mobile money" as millions turn to their mobile phones instead of coughing up cash or handing over credit cards.

Myanmar moves to delay foreign telecom deals

(AP)—Foreign companies hoping to tap into one of the world's final telecom frontiers grappled with lingering political uncertainties Wednesday after Myanmar's lower house of parliament ruled that licenses for two new cellphone ...

Myanmar's telecom race enters final stretch

(AP)—Foreign companies will tap into one of the world's final telecom frontiers Thursday when Myanmar hands out licenses to operate two new mobile phone networks—part of efforts by the long-isolated nation to use technology ...

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