Mobile money faces developed-world challenge

Instances of the so-called tail wagging the dog abound. Add to that club mobile-money services, the idea that you can make financial transactions of all kinds using only a cellphone.

Africa: the new pot of gold for mobile telecoms

Africa's lag in land-based telecoms infrastructure has propelled the continent directly into the mobile age, opening up short-term growth prospects unparalleled in the world.

Can Africa's mobile money revolution reduce poverty?

When farmer Isaac Tondo fell on lean times in Liberia's long rainy season, his brother in the capital sent 8,000 Liberian dollars (US$87) to his Lonestar mobile money account, ensuring his children's school fees would still ...

Banking goes mobile, with a few hitches

Dan Brower fished a much-awaited check from his mailbox but didn't have time to swing by his bank's branch. So the Kansas City resident fired up his 2-week-old iPhone, and with just a flick of his finger - disappointment. ...

Mobile payments catch on with banks, phone makers

Smart phones already enable you to snap photos and bank online. Now banks and credit card companies think it might make sense for your phone to take over the functions of credit and debit cards.

Nokia seeks gold in mobile payments startup Obopay

(AP) -- Nokia Corp., the world's largest maker of cell phones, is making a large investment in a California-based startup that wants to make the mobile phone the credit card of the developing world.

SAfrica's MTN launches mobile insurance program

(AP) -- A South African mobile phone giant has joined with an insurance company to launch a program in Ghana that will allow subscribers to pay for life insurance through their mobile phones, a company official said Wednesday.

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