Researcher provides global perspective on honeybee viruses

The global decline of honeybee populations has spurred a number of researchers to examine the role played by the parasitic varroa mite and the deadly Deformed Wing Virus it transmits. In early February a large-scale research ...

Micro-sensors stuck to honey bees to help solve mass deaths

Australian scientists revealed on Tuesday they are using micro-sensors attached to honey bees as part of a global push to understand the key factors driving a worldwide population decline of the pollinators.

Worm-like mite species discovered on Ohio State's campus

It looks like a worm and moves like a worm – sort of. But it is a previously unidentified microscopic species of mite that was discovered by a graduate student on The Ohio State University campus.

Battle for the bees

Bees and other pollinators aren't just pretty creatures, they work for us.

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