Japan whaling haul at 'record low'

The haul from Japan's whaling mission in the Southern Ocean was a "record low" this year, a government minister said, blaming "unforgivable sabotage" by activists.

Study amplifies understanding of hearing in baleen whales

For decades, scientists have known that dolphins and other toothed whales have specialized fats associated with their jaws, which efficiently convey sound waves from the ocean to their ears. But until now, the hearing systems ...

Last whale dies in mass Australian beaching

The last of a huge pod of sperm and minke whales washed onto a southern Australian beach and nearby sandbank has died despite an extensive operation to set it free, officials said.

Killer whales migrate, study finds, but why?

Some killer whales, a study published Wednesday shows for the first time, wander nearly 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) from Antarctica's Southern Ocean into tropical waters -- but not to feed or breed.

Japan finds radiation traces in whales

Japanese whale hunters have found traces of radioactive caesium in two of the ocean giants recently harpooned off its shores in the Pacific Ocean, a fisheries agency official said Wednesday.

Proposed kill quotas for whales too high: scientists

The International Whaling Commission starts a key meeting Monday to debate catch quotas which could replace a moratorium on hunting though a key scientific committee will say the catch limits are too high, sources said.

Commission proposes limited commercial whale hunts

(AP) -- The International Whaling Commission has proposed allowing the animals to be hunted under strict quotas, bringing the world a step closer to the first legal commercial whaling in nearly 25 years.

Illegal trade in whale meat points to Japan: DNA study

An international team of Oregon State University scientists, documentary filmmakers and environmental advocates has uncovered an apparent illegal trade in whalemeat, linking whales killed in Japan's controversial scientific ...

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