Mines 'may be judged by koalas'

(Phys.org) —The performance of Australia's mining industry in restoring the native landscape could one day be judged by ...koalas.

Greening the blues: What business can learn from Avatar

Norm Borin of California Polytechnic State University and Arline Savage of the School of Business at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, argue that the fictitious mining company in the 2009 James Cameron movie, Avatar, ...

Radioactive leak in Finland prompts probe

(AP)—Finland's safety agency has begun an investigation into a leak from a nickel mine that polluted nearby waters with levels of radiation three times what is considered safe.

Peru villagers allege neglect after toxic spill

(AP)—More than a month after toxic slurry from a major copper mine sickened scores of people in one of Peru's highland communities, villagers complain that the mining company and the government have done little to help ...

The most profitable asteroid is...

With the recent announcement of the asteroid mining company, Planetary Resources, some of the most-asked questions about this enticing but complex endeavor include, what asteroids do we mine? Which are the easiest asteroids ...

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