Mercury helps to detail Earth's most massive extinction event

The Latest Permian Mass Extinction (LPME) was the largest extinction in Earth's history to date, killing between 80–90% of life on the planet, though finding definitive evidence for what caused the dramatic changes in climate ...

Research overturns oldest evidence of life on Earth

( -- It appears that the supposed oldest examples of life on our planet -- 3.5 billion-year-old bacteria fossils found in Australian rock called Apex Chert -- are nothing more than tiny gaps in the rock that are ...

Mars rock-ingredient stew seen as plus for habitability

NASA's Curiosity rover is climbing a layered Martian mountain and finding evidence of how ancient lakes and wet underground environments changed, billions of years ago, creating more diverse chemical environments that affected ...

Researchers discover why gold is concentrated alongside arsenic

Why are gold deposits found at all? Gold is famously unreactive, and there seems to be little reason why gold should be concentrated, rather than uniformly scattered throughout the Earth's crust. Now, an international group ...

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