Could resources on Mars support human explorers?

In the coming decades, multiple space agencies and private companies plan to establish outposts on the moon and Mars. These outposts will allow for long-duration stays, astrobiological research, and facilitate future solar ...

Quantum sensors paving the way for new technologies

Increased cooperation between Norwegian industry and universities on quantum physics sensors is a win–win situation for society. Such sensors can provide new opportunities in areas as diverse as mineral extraction and agriculture.

UN urges ambitious action to protect the oceans

World leaders must do more to protect the oceans, a major United Nations conference concluded on Friday, setting its sights on a new treaty to protect the high seas.

Fresh hopes for landmark treaty to rescue ocean life

World leaders are under pressure to conclude years of talks on an agreement to protect open oceans that help sustain life on Earth, cover almost half the planet and currently fall under no country's laws.

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