African crops provide a nutrient-dense, gluten-free solution

The world is producing more food than ever before, yet millions of Africans still lack proper nutrition. Focusing on the potential of African crops to help combat malnutrition on the African continent, the EU-funded InnoFoodAfrica ...

Researchers discover why tendons are strong as wire ropes

A team at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPICI) has discovered new properties of collagen: During the intercalation of minerals in collagen fibers, a contraction tension is generated that is hundreds ...

Solving the bottleneck in biogas production

Agro-biogas plants produce renewable energy, extracting gas produced in the anaerobic fermentation of animal manures mixed with organic wastes from the food sector. One by-product of this fermentation process is a thick liquid ...

Plant biology advances rapidly to help feed the world

( —A series of new discoveries in plant cell biology will help to increase the supply of food and energy for our rapidly growing global population, according to 12 of the world's leading plant biologists.

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