New type of 'space weathering' observed on asteroid Vesta

The surface of the giant asteroid Vesta is weathering in a way that appears to be completely different from any other asteroid yet visited, according to new data recorded by NASA's Dawn spacecraft. This new type of space ...

Looking for a new gold mine? We've got the map

As published this month in Nature Geoscience, researchers and industry partners have produced the first major 'cat scan of the earth'. Their work reveals a new chart of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle and its potential ...

Scientists closer to making implantable bone material

( -- Scientists are closer to understanding how to grow replacement bones with stem cell technology, thanks to research published today in the journal Nature Materials.

ASU instrument plays key role in NASA mission

( -- An instrument designed at Arizona State University to identify and map the minerals on the surface of an asteroid is a key element in a new NASA mission-concept. Philip Christensen, in the School of Earth ...

New analysis of clay deposits in ancient Martian Lakes

Mars was once a much wetter world than it is now, with hot springs, rivers, lakes and perhaps even oceans. Just how wet exactly, and for how long, is still a subject of considerable debate. One vital clue comes from clay ...

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