Physicists scale up invisibility cloaks using natural crystals

( -- Physicists from the University of Birmingham, with colleagues at Imperial College, London, and Technical University of Denmark, have demonstrated an 'invisibility cloak' that can hide a three-dimensional ...

Tiny 3-D images shed light on origin of Earth's core

( -- A new method of capturing detailed, three-dimensional images of minute samples of material under extreme pressures is shedding light on the evolution of the Earth's interior. Early results suggest that the ...

Lunar discovery: Two new moon rock types

Many of us think of our nearest celestial neighbor as having few secrets to give up. However, we are still finding out new things about the moon. The latest discovery is of two types of moon rock not seen before. The last ...

With fungi on their side, rice plants grow to be big

By tinkering with a type of fungus that lives in association with plant roots, researchers have found a way to increase the growth of rice by an impressive margin. The so-called mycorrhizal fungi are found in association ...

'Ferropaper' is new technology for small motors, robots

( -- Researchers at Purdue University have created a magnetic "ferropaper" that might be used to make low-cost "micromotors" for surgical instruments, tiny tweezers to study cells and miniature speakers.

Rare Scottish mineral may indicate life on Mars

( -- A team of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) scientists is looking for clues about life on Mars in an earthy clay mineral found only in Aberdeenshire in Scotland.

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