Ancient forests stabilized Earth's CO2 and climate

UK researchers have identified a biological mechanism that could explain how the Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate were stabilised over the past 24 million years. When CO2 levels became too low for plants to ...

Ancient minerals: Which gave rise to life?

Life originated as a result of natural processes that exploited early Earth's raw materials. Scientific models of life's origins almost always look to minerals for such essential tasks as the synthesis of life's molecular ...

Impacts of plant invasions become less robust over time

Among the most impressive ecological findings of the past 25 years is the ability of invasive plants to radically change ecosystem function. Yet few if any studies have examined whether ecosystem impacts of invasions persist ...

Looking for a new gold mine? We've got the map

As published this month in Nature Geoscience, researchers and industry partners have produced the first major 'cat scan of the earth'. Their work reveals a new chart of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle and its potential ...

UA student finds 'Hawaiian beach' sand on Mars

( —The world's largest database of minerals, developed and housed at the UA, enables NASA to identify the minerals that make up the soil on Mars. As a member of the science team on NASA's Curiosity rover currently ...

New NASA mission to help us learn how to mine asteroids

Over the last hundred years, the human population has exploded from about 1.5 billion to more than seven billion, driving an ever-increasing demand for resources. To satisfy civilization's appetite, communities have expanded ...

Scientists seek silicon's successor

In the hunt for a sequel to silicon, scientists at the SLAC National Accelerator Lab have flipped an "on-off" switch in the mineral magnetite that is far faster than today's transistors.

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