Researchers image roots in the ground

It's a familiar hazard of vacation time: While you're conspicuously absent, your colleagues in the office forget to water and fertilize the plants - often leaving behind nothing but a brownish skeleton. Whether a plant thrives ...

Monsoon intensity enhanced by heat captured by desert dust

Variations in the ability of sand particles kicked into the atmosphere from deserts in the Middle East to absorb heat can change the intensity of the Indian Summer Monsoon, according to new research from The University of ...

Method fills gaps in monsoon understanding

Dwindling monsoon rain is a big deal for millions in East Asia who rely on the storms for their yearly water supply. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory uncovered some culprits most likely to have the largest ...

Uncovering bacterial role in platinum formation

Australian scientists have uncovered the important role of specialist bacteria in the formation and movement of platinum and related metals in surface environments.

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