Secrets of dolerite sills

The exploitation of mineral deposits always creates debates around economic necessity versus environmental preservation. Fracking for gas in the Karoo region of South Africa is currently vigorously debated. This article is ...

Unique Uranium Source in Naturally Bioreduced Sediment

( -- A recently published Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study of a naturally bioreduced sediment sample from a former uranium mill tailings site reveals insights that enhance understanding of the long-term ...

Philippine mining reforms ignored at gold-rush site

The Philippine government wants to close thousands of small-scale mines blamed for environmental devastation, but Reynaldo Elejorde insists his chaotic gold-rush mountain town will survive.

Geologists assist in solving the mystery of a gold treasure

The Carambolo Treasure is an assemblage of gold items of the first millennium BCE, whose origin has for about 50 years been the epicentre of a heated debate. New chemical and isotopic analyses, carried out by the UPV/EHU's ...

Nanocellulose sponges to combat oil pollution

A new, absorbable material from Empa wood research could be of assistance in future oil spill accidents: a chemically modified nanocellulose sponge. The light material absorbs the oil spill, remains floating on the surface ...

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