Rust offers a cheap way to filter arsenic-poisoned water

When water flows deep underground, it often dissolves inorganic substances from mineral deposits in the earth's crust. In many regions, these deposits contain arsenic, a naturally occurring element that is colorless, tasteless ...

Six feet under, a new approach to global warming

A Washington State University researcher has found that one-fourth of the carbon held by soil is bound to minerals as far as six feet below the surface. The discovery opens a new possibility for dealing with the element as ...

The Italian central Apennines are a source of CO₂, study finds

Tectonically active mountains play an important role in the natural CO2 regulation of the atmosphere. Competing processes take place here: At Earth's surface, erosion drives weathering processes that absorb or release CO2, ...

Gold rush-era discards could fuel cellphones, TVs (Update)

(AP)—Across the U.S. West, early miners digging for gold, silver and copper had no idea that one day something else very valuable would be buried in the piles of dirt and rocks they tossed aside.

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