Tracking conflict minerals in Congo

Eastern Congo's hillsides are rich in an element that most people have never heard of, a metal that is inside most of the mobile phones, laptops, and other electronics that we use every day.

Latin America mining boom clashes with conservation

Latin America is experiencing a mining boom as prices rise fuelled by a hike in global demand, but the region is also being hit by a wave of violent protests, strikes and rallies by environmentalists.

Using X-ray vision to detect unseen gold

Powerful X-rays can now be used to rapidly and accurately detect gold in ore samples, thanks to a new technique developed by CSIRO – a move that could save Australia's minerals industry hundreds of millions of dollars each ...

New way to date rocks

A new way to date a common mineral could help pinpoint ore deposits and improve mineral exploration globally, according to University of Queensland scientists.

Australia's Antarctic claim 'at risk'

Australia holds the largest claim to Antarctica but risks losing it in any race to unlock the frozen continent's potentially vast mineral and energy resources, an influential thinktank said Monday.

Lunar discovery: Two new moon rock types

Many of us think of our nearest celestial neighbor as having few secrets to give up. However, we are still finding out new things about the moon. The latest discovery is of two types of moon rock not seen before. The last ...

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