Compact radar takes an inside view

The human eye cannot see through wood, paper, or plastic. But a compact radar with a modular design now makes it possible to see the invisible: The millimeter wave sensor penetrates non-transparent material. It transmits ...

World's first WiGig-based millimeter wave mesh backhaul system

InterDigital, Inc., a mobile technology research and development company, nanoelectronics research center imec, and WiGig chip developer Peraso Technologies Inc. today announced the integration of their respective technologies ...

Darpa to develop mobile millimeter-wave backhaul networks

Providing high-bandwidth communications for troops in remote forward operating locations is not only critical but also challenging because a reliable infrastructure optimized for remote geographic areas does not exist. When ...

'Population census' of galaxies buried in dust

A research team led by Bunyo Hatsukade, a postdoc researcher, and Kouji Ohta, a professor, both from the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, revealed that approximately 80% of the unidentifiable millimeter wave ...

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