Storytime marketing to millennials

Storytelling is an ancient human trait. We were perhaps making manifest our imaginings even before we had the spoken word. In the modern world, stories are as important to us as they ever were and are crucial to many human ...

Housework or sleep? Study says it depends when you were born

When Gen Xer Amy Rottier went shopping for her young children two decades ago, she drove to a mall and browsed for what she needed. Her millennial daughter, Helen, who is studying for a doctorate and doesn't have children, ...

Earth's orbit affects millennial climate variability

Abundant geological evidence demonstrates that Earth's climate has experienced millennial-scale variability superimposed on glacial–interglacial fluctuations through the Pleistocene. The magnitude of millennial climate ...

Young Americans favor reforms, says national poll

The time has come for reform on how the United States deals with the electoral process, the environment and social justice, according to a new national poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion that ...

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