New research shows migrating animals learn by experience

Research led by scientists from University of Wyoming and Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior shows that migrating animals refine their behavior as they get older, suggesting that experiential learning is an important ...

Satellite tracking supports whale survival

Extensive satellite tracking has revealed important new knowledge about the little known pygmy blue whale population of Southern Australia.

Most migratory birds rely on a greening world, study finds

A new study from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology confirms that most birds—but not all—synchronize their migratory movements with seasonal changes in vegetation greenness. This is the first study of its kind to cover the ...

First-ever atlas of big-game migrations

The first-ever atlas of ungulate migration was released this week, detailing the ecology and conservation of migratory big-game species including mule deer, elk and pronghorn in Wyoming, the greater Yellowstone ecosystem ...

Polish stork vanishes from GPS but delivers huge phone bill

A Polish environmental group that was using a mobile-phone transmitter to track migratory movements of a stork has received a phone bill of 10,000 zlotys ($2,650) after the bird went missing in Sudan and someone started using ...

Mastodon skull discovered in Chile

A perfectly preserved skull of a mastodon -- a relative of today's elephant -- was found here during excavation work at a water treatment plant, one of the scientists involved in the discovery said Tuesday.

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