Power lines a major risk for migratory birds

When flamingos, storks, pelicans and other migratory birds undertake their long seasonal flights, they risk their lives winging their way through the endless power grids that cover the world.

Bird flu detected in mammals but risk to humans low: experts

Experts have warned that the recent detection of bird flu in mammals including foxes, otters, minks, seals and even grizzly bears is concerning but emphasized that the virus would have to significantly mutate to spread between ...

How linked data, artificial intelligence could help animals

Dating apps are making predictions about who you'll fall in love with while marketers are using your online data to predict what you'll want to buy. As technology has transformed how people work, shop and date, ecologists ...

Bird migration timing skewed by climate, new research finds

Life cycles for birds, insects and trees are shifting in this current era of a rapidly changing climate. How migration patterns, in particular, are changing and whether birds can track climate change is an open question.

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