Migration shapes patterns of disease transmission

Long-distance animal migrations can trigger relapse of dormant infections, influencing when and where infection risk peaks, according to a new paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The findings demonstrate that relapse ...

Reef manta rays make long-term use of marine-protected areas

Marine animals are notoriously difficult to track, creating big gaps in how scientists understand their behavior and migration patterns—key insights for helping conserve important habitats. Researchers in Australia, using ...

Migration patterns reveal an Eden for ancient humans and animals

Home to some of the richest evidence for the behavior and culture of the earliest clearly modern humans, the submerged shelf called the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (PAP) once formed its own ecosystem. Co-author Curtis Marean, Ph.D., ...

Arctic wildlife uses extreme method to save energy

Researchers from Lund University and the University of Tromsø have examined the immune system strength of the Svalbard rock ptarmigan in the Arctic. This bird lives the farthest up in the Arctic of any land bird, and the ...

Wild geese take climate action

Migratory animals are actively adjusting their traditions to climate change, new research has found.

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