Continents influenced human migration, spread of technology

How modern-day humans dispersed on the planet and the pace of civilization-changing technologies that accompanied their migrations are enduring mysteries. Scholars believe ancient peoples on Europe and Asia moved primarily ...

Gene migration helps predict movement of disease

Until recently, migration patterns, such as those adopted by birds all across the Amazonian rainforest, have not been thought to play an important role in the spreading of beneficial genes through a population.

Boy or girl? Understanding how red-tailed hawks migrate

( -- As any resident of upstate New York will tell you, the red-tailed hawk is the most common hawk in North America. Often seen perched on light and telephone poles along major highways, this majestic animal ...

First discovery in decades of blue whales near Seychelles

Blue whales are fascinating animals. At 24–30 meters in length (longer than a basketball court) they are the largest creatures on Earth. They are also among the rarest. Estimates suggest that there are only about 5,000 ...

Do food and drink preferences influence migration flows?

When people migrate, many factors play a role in their choice of destination: How well do you speak the new country's language? Do you already have family or a community there? Do the country's values and norms match your ...

New online tool visualizes global human migration patterns

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) researchers have developed a new tool—the Global Migration Data Explorer—to help address the lack of data on global migration flows and provide a visual method ...

Bowhead whales' migration patterns have shifted in the Arctic

With ice declining, bowhead whales of the Pacific Arctic are staying longer in the waters up north. A change in migration patterns could affect the bowheads' health and safety, as well as hunters' access to the subsistence ...

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