Researchers track fall migratory patterns of insects

To study the nocturnal flight patterns of migrating insects during the fall, researchers at the University of Delaware have been spending their nights on the Newark Farm launching a balloon equipped with a tow net to try ...

Environmental conditions may impact bird migration

Wind conditions during spring migration may be a predictor of apparent annual survival and the timing of breeding in yellow warblers, according to results published May 14, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Anna ...

Ticks and endangered voles linked by migrating birds

Migrating birds probably did it. That's what University of California, Davis, epidemiology professor Janet Foley says after DNA detective work confirmed that a disease-carrying tick only found in the southeastern United States ...

Rising sea levels threaten migratory birds

Millions of birds that stop at coastal wetlands during annual migrations could die as rising sea levels and land reclamation wipe out their feeding grounds, researchers warned Monday.

Doctoral student sheds light on Asian bird's migration patterns

( —An Arizona State University biologist and her team have found that the Asian subspecies of great bustard, one of the heaviest birds capable of flight, covers migratory routes of more than 2,000 miles, travelling ...

Cormorants cannot capture the benefits of global warming

(—Even though cormorants seem ideally placed to benefit from global warming, by expanding their breeding range into the far north, the darkness of the polar night is likely to keep them firmly in their place, according ...

Study examining birds' habitat on Lake Michigan in full flight

When viewed from shore in late fall and winter, Lake Michigan often appears barren and unwelcoming. Hardly a place anyone or anything would choose to spend the coldest months of the year, right? But many bird species ...

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