Ticks and endangered voles linked by migrating birds

Migrating birds probably did it. That's what University of California, Davis, epidemiology professor Janet Foley says after DNA detective work confirmed that a disease-carrying tick only found in the southeastern United States ...

Predicting 50,000 years of bird migrations

Neither wind, nor rain—nor massive sheets of ice—have kept Earth's birds from their appointed rounds of migrating to better climes, according to a new study.

Study finds two billion birds migrate over Gulf Coast

A new study combining data from citizen scientists and weather radar stations is providing detailed insights into spring bird migration along the Gulf of Mexico and how these journeys may be affected by climate change. Findings ...

Killer flu virus threat over-hyped: Dutch scientist

A top Dutch scientist heading a team which created a mutant killer flu virus Wednesday said the threat to global biosecurity is being overplayed, even if full research results are published.

Variety in the migratory behavior of blackcaps

Many species of birds have always migrated south in the fall to spend the winter there, including the small blackcap, which often weighs only a few grams and yet covers thousands of kilometers. However, changes in our landscapes ...

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