Purple martin migration behavior perplexes researchers

Purple martins will soon migrate south for their usual wintertime retreat, but this time the birds will be wearing what look like little backpacks, as scientists plan to track their roosting sites along the way.

Hitch-hiking with birds for life

Although chewing lice spend their entire lives as parasites on birds, it is difficult to predict patterns of lice distribution, new research from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, reveals.

Changing climate is narrowing options for migrating birds

Across an entire desert or ocean, migratory birds make some of the most extreme journeys found in nature, but there are still huge gaps in our understanding of how they manage to travel these vast distances and what a changing ...

Migrating birds chill to fatten up

Marathon runners are famed for pasta packing in the days before a big run but when tiny passerine birds set out on their epic migrations, the distances are too great to cover on the energy reserves with which they embark. ...

Researchers track fall migratory patterns of insects

To study the nocturnal flight patterns of migrating insects during the fall, researchers at the University of Delaware have been spending their nights on the Newark Farm launching a balloon equipped with a tow net to try ...

Review highlights challenges faced by birds in the Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico is hugely important to birds that migrate between North America and the Neotropics—almost all migrants have to go around it or across it. Coastal habitats around the Gulf of Mexico are critical for these ...

Migration shapes patterns of disease transmission

Long-distance animal migrations can trigger relapse of dormant infections, influencing when and where infection risk peaks, according to a new paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The findings demonstrate that relapse ...

Mercury exposure found to alter the migration behavior of birds

Mercury pollution is a global problem caused by coal combustion, gold mining, and other human activities, and has myriad adverse impacts to biodiversity. A new study by researchers at the Great Hollow Nature Preserve & Ecological ...

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