Use the Amazon's natural bounty to save it: experts

Brazilian prize-winning climatologist Carlos Nobre is calling for a bioeconomic plan to save the Amazon by drawing on its wealth of berries and nuts—an idea championed at a key Vatican summit.

Whither the middle class?

A new OECD report, "Under Pressure: The Squeezed Middle Class," analyses how the middle class has fared in high-income countries between the 1980s and 2016. The results for the UK have some striking features.

The health consequences of backlash politics

Public policies rooted in racial resentment can carry grave consequences for health and well-being, according to new research by Vanderbilt psychiatrist and sociologist Jonathan Metzl. His findings, based on seven years of ...

Is China to blame for the global avocado shortage?

Recent media reports of an avocado shortage have hipsters and foodies horrified the world over. Prices are at a record high as a result of a classic supply and demand situation. Harvests from major producers in Mexico, Peru ...

Feeding our growing population with flies

Scientists have predicted that by 2050 there will be 9.6 billion humans living on Earth. With the rise of the middle class, we are expected to increase our consumption of animal products by up to 70% using the same limited ...

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