Thinking about choice diminishes concern for wealth inequality

Against the backdrop of a worldwide recession, wealth inequality has become a prominent theme in discussions about politics and the economy. In some ways, Americans seem to advocate a more equal distribution of wealth. In ...

Millennials hurt most by middle class squeeze: OECD

The middle class is getting squeezed and it is the millennial generation above all that is bearing the brunt, the OECD said, urging action to help households struggling with the rising cost of education and housing as incomes ...

Is China to blame for the global avocado shortage?

Recent media reports of an avocado shortage have hipsters and foodies horrified the world over. Prices are at a record high as a result of a classic supply and demand situation. Harvests from major producers in Mexico, Peru ...

China to top world in e-commerce by 2015: report

China, already home to the world's largest online population, is likely to replace the United States as the biggest e-commerce market by 2015, according to new research.

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