LA's Getty Museum illustrates death in Middle Ages

(AP) — Death and taxes may both be inevitable in this modern-day world of ours, yet it seems only death has had the ability to inspire great art in people since at least Medieval times.

Romantic lessons from the Middle Ages

Love is in the air at the Bodleian Library this Valentine's Day, as the stories of epic medieval romances from King Arthur and Guinevere to Tristan and Isolde are on display.

New iPhone app keeps eyesight from deteriorating

Deteriorating eyesight, which leads to the use of reading glasses, is a natural part of the aging process. But a new iPhone application developed by researchers at Tel Aviv University could keep your vision sharp for years ...

Seaside fortress was a final stronghold of early Islamic power

Archaeologists have long known that Yavneh-Yam, an archaeological site between the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Ashdod on the Mediterranean coast, was a functioning harbor from the second millennium B.C. until the Middle ...

Modern fish communities live fast and die young

Fish communities in the 21st Century live fast and die young. That's the main finding of a recent study by researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society who compared fish recently caught in coastal Kenya with the bones ...

Crafts, churches and charcoal

Norway's more than 1,000 year-old-city and historical capital, Trondheim, was a beehive of activity in medieval times. Recent archeological research in the city's popular public forest, "Bymarka", has uncovered more than ...

Local perception of US military buildup in Guam

University of Guam assistant professor Amy Owen and her students recently completed a research project on the perception of local residents regarding the U.S. Military Buildup in Guam and related immigration issues.

Is a good man still hard to find?

( -- On Valentine’s Day couples make a special effort to celebrate their relationships. But spare a thought for the so-called ‘desperate and dateless’ - those people who would like to have a partner but ...

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