NASA Sees Eastern Pacific's Second Tropical Storm Form

On May 21, NASA satellites were monitoring Tropical Depression 02E in the eastern Pacific Ocean, and 24 hours later it strengthened into the second tropical storm of the season. Tropical Storm Bud was captured by NOAA's GOES-13 ...

2 NASA satellites see Cyclone Gino's 'centered' power

Data from NASA's Aqua and Terra satellites showed powerful thunderstorms continued to wrap around the center of circulation Tropical Cyclone Gino as the storm achieved a category 2 hurricane status.

NASA's satellite imagery sees Hilda hit a wall

Two days ago, Hilda was in prime shape to strengthen further as she tracked westward, far south of the Hawaiian Islands. Today, as a result of winds and cooler waters, she's weakened to a tropical depression, and NASA satellites ...

NASA sees some heavy rainfall in tropical storm Talim

Tropical Storm Talim formed in the South China Sea yesterday, June 18, just south of Hainan Island, China, and NASA's TRMM satellite captured rainfall data right after its birth, revealing some heavy rain.

NASA notes Nadine now no more

Twenty-three days after Nadine was born, the tropical cyclone's life came to an end in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. NASA's TRMM satellite caught a look at the fading Nadine one final time on Oct. 3 before it dissipated.

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