Tiny graphene drum could form future quantum memory

Scientists from TU Delft's Kavli Institute of Nanoscience have demonstrated that they can detect extremely small changes in position and forces on very small drums of graphene. Graphene drums have great potential to be used ...

In quantum computing, light may lead the way

(Phys.org) —Light might be able to play a bigger, more versatile role in the future of quantum computing, according to new research by Yale University scientists.

Quantum optics with microwaves

(Phys.org) —Physicists at ETH Zurich have demonstrated one of the quintessential effects of quantum optics—known as the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect—with microwaves, whose frequency is 100'000 times lower than that of visible ...

Another step toward quantum computers: Using photons for memory

(Phys.org) —Scientists at Yale University have found a new way to manipulate microwave signals that could aid the long-term effort to develop a quantum computer, a powerful tool that would revolutionize information processing ...

Physicists use mechanical micro-drum used as quantum memory

JILA researchers demonstrated thatinformation encoded as a specific point in atraveling microwave signal—the vertical and horizontal positions of a wave pattern at a certain ime—can be transferred to the mechanical beat ...

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