Researchers photograph active ingredient in cannabis plants

Researchers from the University of Twente's MESA+ and MIRA research institutes have succeeded in visualizing THC, the active ingredient of cannabis, in intact plant structures. The substance is mainly found in trichomes (fine ...

Ocean nutrients a key component of future change, say scientists

( —Variations in nutrient availability in the world's oceans could be a vital component of future environmental change, according to a multi-author review paper involving the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton ...

'Pharmaceutical' approach boosts oil production from algae

Taking an approach similar to that used for discovering new therapeutic drugs, chemists at the University of California, Davis, have found several compounds that can boost oil production by green microscopic algae, a potential ...

What dust may have to do with Earth's rapidly warming poles

(—As earth's climate warms, scientists have tried to understand why the poles are heating up two to three times faster than the rest of the planet. Airborne dust, it turns out, may play a key role.

Harnessing plant-invading fungi for fuel

(—As gas prices rise around the world, researchers are seeking a potential solution from endophytic fungi—fungi that live inside plants.

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