New player emerges in mapping protein structures

( —If you keep up with biology, you've probably seen those colorful images in which the atom-by-atom structure of a protein is portrayed by a tangle of ribbons. For the past couple of decades, scientists have been ...

Global first as Witsies split pollen

Wits researchers have become the first to cut sections through pollen grains and make it possible to view a three dimensional image of the internal wall. This positions them to determine how the characteristics of the internal ...

Express tool for graphene quality control

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has collaborated with Chalmers University of Technology and Linköping University in Sweden to help develop a fast and inexpensive tool for quality control of graphene grown on silicon ...

Pushing microscopy beyond standard limits

Engineers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have devised a method to convert a relatively inexpensive conventional microscope into a billion-pixel imaging system that significantly outperforms the best available ...

Biomedical research reveals secrets of cell behavior

( —Knowing virtually everything about how the body's cells make transitions from one state to another – for instance, precisely how particular cells develop into multi-cellular organisms – would be a major ...

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